Christmas Quiz 2024 AnswersThank you all those who sent in entries! There were 16 who got it all right, and Clive Sexton won that draw. Mike Green won the all-comers draw.1 The Brotherhood of Man2 The man on the Clapham omnibus3 Men are from Mars, women are from Venus4 The Railway Children5 Woman’s Hour6 The […]
Parish Council News
Summary of 17 Bus Meeting
Changes to Bus 17, Public Meeting on Wednesday 2nd October at 7pm in St Michael and All Angels Church, Partridge Green.
Annual Parish Meeting 2024
The Annual Parish Meeting will take place on Thursday 23rd of May, in the Village Hall, Partridge Green at 7:30pm. It is a meeting specifically for local residents to hear from councillors (parish, district and county) about what has been happening during the year and an opportunity for residents to raise questions and concerns.
WS Highways – Update
Dear Parish & Town Councils, Further to my email below, we need to continue with the extended SLA we have in place for general enquiries and temporary pause of non-essential activities until the end of April. Our response to reported safety issues has not changed. After one of the wettest February’s on record, March did not improve […]
WSCC Residents’ Survey
Please consider filling in the WSCC survey for people living in West Sussex who wants to give their views and experience regarding drug use in the community. A multi-agency working group has committed to a range of actions to support individuals and communities to overcome the issues which can lead to cycles of continued drug […]
Parish Plant Swap
18th May 2024 2pm – 4pm